Sir Ketumile Masire Teaching Hospital (SKMTH) is a 450 bed quaternary hospital mandates to provide patient centred clinical care, medical education and health research. It has state of the art facilities which provide both specialty and subspecialty services. The hospital is registered as a company limited by guarantee wholly owned by the Government of Botswana, established under the Companies Act Cap 42:01. The Hospital is governed by a Board of Directors who are appointed by the Minister of Health, to provide governance and strategic leadership. Sir Ketumile Masire Teaching Hospital objectives are:
- To provide a conducive learning environment for undergraduates and postgraduates in various health courses.
- To provide highly reliable quality medical services that the country did not have. To be a centre of excellence for health research.
Our Mission
To deliver the highest quality of specialized healthcare services and provide a cooperative platform for teaching and research in line with both national and global health priorities
Our Vision
To be the industry standard of excellence in the provision of healthcare services, research and teaching to improve health outcomes.
Strategic Themes

SKMTH will create value for all stakeholders and customers by leveraging on the strengths of carefully selected partners.

Next generation technologies will be used to provide operational efficiencies through innovation.

Business processes and services delivered will be executed in an effective and efficient manner at all times to ensure stakeholder and customer satisfaction.