Joni Joni Play Area Handover

Joni Joni Play Area Handover

On the 23rd of October 2023, we gathered to celebrate the official handover of Joni Joni Paediatric Ward Play Area in Sir Ketumile Masire Teaching Hospital. This transformational project was made possible through the generous support of FNBB through the FNB Foundation.

SKMTH extends heartfelt gratitude to FNBB for their unwavering commitment to making a difference in the lives of children. Their dedication to this project, from its inception to its completion, is a shining example of corporate responsibility and social consciousness. The Play Area is a space of joy, healing, and relief for children who are bravely facing medical challenges.

Joni Joni Play Area is a place of comfort and positivity for the children, their families, and caregivers. It is a space where laughter, fun, and creativity will thrive, offering much-needed mental comfort. distraction from the challenges they face.

This beautiful Play Area will undoubtedly be a place of comfort and positivity for the children and their families during their time in the hospital. It's a space where laughter, play, and creativity will thrive, offering a much-needed distraction from the challenges they face.

The transformation of the Paediatric Ward Play Area embodies the spirit of unity and benevolence that can enhance the quality of healthcare and the overall well-being of our community. By providing a safe and stimulating environment, FNBB has helped ease the burden carried by the children and their families, and for this, we are profoundly grateful.

We would also like to express our appreciation to the dedicated team at FNBB for their diligence and commitment throughout the project's execution. Your hard work and passion have made a lasting impact on our hospital and the lives of countless children.

As we move forward, we are excited about the positive changes this Play Area will bring to our hospital and the healing journey of the children we serve. We look forward to the smiles and laughter that will fill this space.

Once again, thank you, FNBB, for your unwavering support and your commitment to enhancing the well-being of our community's youngest members. Together, we are building a brighter and healthier future.

Together, we are building a brighter and healthier future.

We marvel at the thought of the giggles and laughter


About Sir Ketumile Masire Teaching Hospital

Sir Ketumile Masire Teaching Hospital (SKMTH) is 100% owned by the Government of Botswana. The Hospital is the first quaternary healthcare facility established to address identified gaps in the healthcare industry in Botswana. SKMTH has been licensed to operate as a private hospital.